Monday, September 23, 2019

Hello, this is an acrylic piece approx. 90 x 60 cm.

The 90 cms is the width.  I came across a photo and simply had to paint this mysterious, deep woods river running its dark and steady course through the autumn trees.  Anyone interested for purchase - $350 U.S. plus shipping - please contact me here.  Thanks for viewing, I welcome your comments.


Ms. Elizabeth Vago said...

Beautiful painting of fall. Artist Elfi Bonn’s paintings are so vibrant. Love the rich colours, nature and wildlife themes.

Anonymous said...

It is wonderful. Your colors are always striking and compelling. Victoria misses you I am sure but clearly you have found your place.

Blues Drummer!

Laurel said...

Your latest painting of Autumn river is beautiful! I get a sense of serenity and nostalgia from it. Thank you so much for sharing it.