Tuesday, July 21, 2009


Hello readers! This is a close up on a spotted jaguar, part of a larger piece I completed some time ago in oil on canvas. The jaguar was as sacred animal to the Mayan culture which is apparent everywhere one goes here, especially at Chichen-Itza near Merida about three hours to the north of Cancun. The animal is carved in stone and painted on a variety of surfaces, very prominent as a religious entity.

I enjoyed the challenge of painting the spots. This spotted jaguar was done in stages using a layering process. Before I began I researched exactly how a jaguar's spots are distributed on its body, the likely position of it's body as it lay on the ground, the expression in the eyes and proper coloring. I wanted the viewer to be drawn in by the jaguar but at the same time not allow the jaguar to dominate the entire work. You can view the entire piece on one of my art sites listed in the upper right corner of this page.

I have three cats who loll about my studio as a rule. They do this to avoid contact with the great white beast, our lovely and charismatic siberian husky who has the run of the lower floor; my studio is on the second. Their tranquility lends itself to me, all characters in their own right providing me with a calm, peaceful vibe.
All for now, back soon -- E.

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