Wednesday, December 23, 2009


Hello -- it's getting close to Christmas and I decided to give my husband this painting as a gift; he's flying in today for the holidays from Costa Rica where he's been working this past month and he really misses our very special dog, Coco. People often confuse Coco with Cocoa or even Koko, but our dear, sweet-natured furry friend, a Siberian Husky with ice blue eyes that pierce your soul, has been named after the delicious insides of a coconut, which by nature is white, like her. We thought it apt as she was born in the tropics and does quite well despite the heat. Here she is keeping cool with Victor in our pool.

This is an acrylic on wraparound canvas measuring approx. 18 x 13 inches -- and obviously not for sale! Happy painting to all, and my best wishes for this holiday season and new year to come... Elfi.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...
